Yes, it always seems so cliché....but, how is our 3rd child SEVEN!?
Our Parks man is just the coolest! Mike described him so great; he's the picture of innocence. He has no cares in the world....if he wants to bring all 3 stuffed animals into Culver's, he does. If he wants to play dolls with his sisters, he does. If he wants to tackle hard and be all boy, he absolutely does :) He's that friend that everyone wants in their lives! From minute one, he's just always been one content kid. His heart is overflowing with so much love! Quick to share anything he has, gives such full hugs and will randomly spurt out, "I love you" :)

A GREAT time celebrating this cool dude! Birthday cinnamon rolls and gifts to start the day!
The birthday kid get's an afternoon out with Mike and I. THEY get to choose what we do! First stop, Build-a-Bear to adopt two new stuffies. Welcome Bearie & Dragonite! Not sure if this child has any room left on his bed for more....;)
Second stop, lunch. The birthday boy's request was a cheeseburger & pickles. Ended up at Culver's in the most sunniest booth, soaking up this one on one time with our boy!
Closing the day, Parker choose a Little Ceasar's pizza dinner followed by cake. In line with the rest of the day, the birthday kid get's to pick the cake. It can be store bought or they can give me a creation (that's my favorite!). Parker's creation was....3 blue layers with sprinkles. One layer with peanut butter, one layer with fudge. Complete with blue frosting and Skittles that spelled "Parker" ;) A few mishaps with the cake...but nothing globs of fudge can't fix :)
Here's to another year, Parker Michael! Praying over you that you'll grow stronger in your love for Jesus, that your confidence will continue to be in Him alone. Praying your front teeth come in and that maybe you could like meat? Praying your heart will remain kind and you'll thrive in your braveness! You are one of a kind and we desire for you to SHINE!
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