Our camera has been broke for a few weeks and so not too many pictures. Mike was the one who finally caved and braved the 2 hour car drive to get the thing fixed. Living in a small town definitely has it's perks but goodness it also has it's negatives when you have to drive so far to the largest city.
Our sweet and great babysitter has been putting pig tails in Aub's girls hair. OH. MY. WORD. Too cute! :)
Our first outside play set was received today! Got it for a whopping $30 from a friend and it's just perfect.
My favorite part of it is the smiles it brings these two faces :)
Brody has been loving "exploring it" and calling it the "Clubhouse". I think this was one of the only times I caught him actually going down the slide on his bottom ;)
Can you tell who the one with no fear is? Oh my son, he is a monkey I tell you! Aubrie is slowly learning how to climb the ladder, she's so cute as she tries so hard with such dedication :)