This last Saturday was a day that has been talked about for months now at our house. It was the Warrior Dash Race day! A 5k race that takes you through the woods, jumping over fire, crawling under barbed wire, trekking through mud, crawling up and jumping down 8 foot walls, leaping over tires and cars! Lets just say this day was made for my husband and my brother. This was the day they got to live out the movie Braveheart. Oh how excited, in the most manly way of course, they were for this day :) So much so that running in it wasn't enough. Oh no readers, they had to dress the part also!! They took an afternoon and headed to Hobby Lobby (yep just the two of them!) and had some sweet older lady help them to look like Mel Gibson himself in the movie....true warriors ;)
Before the race. The guy in the middle is a great friend of Adams, Andrew. Everyone received these horn hats, how fun!
Brod mostly wanted his horn hat in his mouth and not on his head.
Waiting for daddy to run past us! How exciting!
Mike nearing the finish line with one last obstacle, clearing the open flame. Oh how he looked death in the eye and laughed!
The filthy muddy warriors. It was great to listen to all their war stories from the course.
And to top it sister Meghan and her friends joined in on the warrior greatness and ran a couple heats after the guys.
The B Man was so proud of his sign he helped make for his warrior daddy!
What a fun day it was! I'm so proud of my warrior family :)